Rabbit Medicine, acrylic on prepared wood panel, 48x48

Rabbit Medicine, acrylic on prepared wood panel, 48x48

Recent Paintings
January 17 – March 3, 2018

In this body of work I have moved back to a more clearly representational narrative. There continues to be important abstract elements (loops, dots, circles, and hazy backgrounds) but the interplay is now greater between those and the more fully rendered - yet transparent - animals’ and children’s bodies.
Mine is an ongoing inquiry and desire to transmit a sense of energy, a state of being and feeling into my paintings. When one inquiry feels resolved I move on, often revisiting places in my older work and finding new ways to interact with it.
‘We Are One’ follows the longing of my heart and the knowledge of my mind about the interconnected web of all life on earth. The deeper we come into contact with this knowledge-- not only abstractly, but with visceral experiencing-- the more urgent become the actions we need to take to protect that Oneness.